The Definitive Guide to Crafting an Engaging Press Release In 2024

1: Making Every Word Matter

Public relations professionals often inquire about the ideal template for creating a press release. While a one-size-fits-all template might be tempting, the reality is that there's no magic formula. Instead of trying to shoehorn your content into a template, focus on the hook that will captivate your readers according to our partners at the PR Newswire.

The foremost question PR experts should ask themselves when crafting a press release is, "Why does this news matter?" Irrespective of your target audience, every press release should answer this crucial question. The answer becomes the cornerstone upon which you build an engaging piece of content that fulfills your campaign's goals.

While we can't guarantee a specific template will attract your audience, there are certain elements you can incorporate into your press release to boost engagement and readability.

2: What's in a Headline?

Your headline is your first impression, setting the stage for what readers can expect from your story. After reading your headline, no one should be left wondering, "Why does this news matter?" Your headline should succinctly answer that question upfront. Furthermore, include a positive action verb conveying your key message within the first 60 characters (for SEO purposes, aim to keep your headline under 100 characters).

Creating headlines varies based on your press release content. If your message is time-sensitive, lead with the main data point, key takeaway, or most impressive highlight. Conversely, if you're delivering evergreen content or thought leadership, lead with the story itself, not the brand. Unbranded headlines can be a potent content marketing approach.

Use your subhead to provide additional context, incorporating key data points, event dates, etc., to entice your audience further.

3: Make it Count

You have mere seconds to capture someone's attention, making crafting the right headline crucial for getting your audience to read the body of your press release. We recommend keeping your headline around 70 characters, as this is the sweet spot for optimal page views. Email applications and Google's search engine results tend to cut off text exceeding this length.

4: Getting in on the Action (Verbs)

To grab a reader's attention, dare to be unique. Avoid commonly used words in press release headlines as journalists frequently encounter similar-sounding headlines. Overused words like "announces," "launches," and "names" may not stand out. Consider utilizing action verbs like "unveils" or "reveals" to pique interest.

5: Work on Your Body

Your press release might be special to you, but it's likely one of many your reader has encountered. Make your content eye-catching and easily digestible. Adding relevant multimedia assets to your press release is advised. Visual elements such as images, videos, infographics, charts, and graphs enhance engagement and help readers retain your message.

6: Become Data-ble

Incorporating data into your press release is vital, as journalists increasingly rely on data to bolster their stories. Use data points effectively within your release, such as through bulleted lists, infographics, charts, or by highlighting essential data in your body copy. Visualizing your information makes it more impactful and memorable.

7: "F" is for Format

Most online readers tend to scan content rather than reading it thoroughly. Use engaging formatting techniques like multimedia, section headers, bullets, italics, and strong calls-to-action (CTAs) to make your message stand out. Ensure your content follows the F-shaped pattern, which includes the title/headline at the top, followed by scanning down the left side of the page.

8: Call Me, Definitely

A press release isn't a standalone story; it's the culmination of a broader message. Include a call-to-action (CTA) to invite readers to learn more, participate, register, or take advantage of an offer. Place your CTA "above the fold" to ensure visibility.

9: Choose the Right Newsline

Selecting the appropriate distribution target is crucial. Consider factors like national, international, regional, industry-specific, or subject matter-oriented distribution. Tailor your distribution to ensure your story reaches the right audience without being overly broad or narrow.

10: Timing Is Everything

To maximize visibility, distribute your press release during peak traffic hours, preferably from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. in North American time zones. Sending releases at less conventional times can also help your message stand out.

Final Thoughts

Sending a press release is a significant moment for your organization. Implementing these best practices will increase your chances of capturing attention and achieving high engagement. Remember, the key is to craft a press release that resonates with your audience and the journalists you're pitching to. Make your story stand out from the crowd by adopting these tips.


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